My Sequel - Looking for Assistance
I’m not afraid of hard work and doing what has to be done. I have never shied away from it when reaching for a goal. What I have discounted, though, is that just because something can be achieved in more of an easy, less struggle-laden way, doesn’t mean its any less of a valuable achievement or unworthy of acknowledgement.
I’ve recently returned to the manual of what will be the sequel to my published personal memoir, You’re Only as Sick as Your Secrets: Sexual Abuse Awareness, Prevention, & Intervention. After 12 years of half-heartedly committing to the sequel’s completion, I have now realized my lack of attention to it came more from the content I was choosing to write about. If I couldn’t hold my own attention about my own life, then what about that content would hold a reader’s? I thought I had already told what needed to be heard by its audience. I recently realized how wrong I had been. It was then I decided to get “authentic” about my life now…including the real requests from readers who asked for this sequel only three months after my initial memoir’s publication in 2010.
So, if you know of a quality literary agent interested in representing my sequel, I’d appreciate any assistance with making a connection. Until then, keep your eyes open for the publication announcement of My Secret’s Aftermath: Finding Hope in the Healing.