Confessions of a Terrible Leader with Layci Nelson

To listen to the complete audio podcast, click HERE

What is Your Intuitive Connection Score?
Spiritual Growth Forum

A Roundtable Discussion about DTAS, LLC

My story of how trauma healing that led to understanding my gifts

From child abuse to helping people heal with Jeff Marconette, Jr.

What is Your Intuitive Connection Score?
Personal Assessment Form

Look for Playlists on Fulfillment, Inner Nudges, Master Your Life series & MORE

Understanding Your Intuitive Connection Score

Introducing The Donna Temm Trauma Support Foundation!

Hear Kurtis’ experience with the Master Your Mind, Master Your Life Series

In the know…


Unleashing Potentials Podcast with Bernadette Desir

What exactly is the LIA (Life Inventory Assessment)?

Forms & Assessments

  • Click HERE to assess which DTAS, LLC programs may be right for you at this time.

  • Click HERE for the assessment.

  • Click HERE for the assessment.

  • Click HERE for the assessment.

  • Click HERE for the assessment.

  • Even the assessment itself helped me to start the process of compartmentalizing and identifying the areas of my life that were making me feel unhappy. Donna was very prepared, and she had all the answers to the questions I was asking.

    After our meeting was over, I really felt like, for the first time, I was looking forward to making changes in my life that benefitted me, and was starting to feel like this big “leap of faith” I was going to have to make wasn’t actually so big anymore. Also, I feel confident in myself more, because some of the ideas I had that I pitched to Donna were validated, and not because she knew that’s what I wanted to hear, but because I just didn’t think I could do it.

    I really look forward to our future meetings together, and I can’t wait to see what Donna has for me moving forward. I know that “fixing” the problems I have won’t be overnight, but even after our meeting, I feel like there might actually be a light at the end of the tunnel. -K.B

  • We are all dealing with ever changing situations in life, but our core values guide us through life. Seeing the assessment process and results was really interesting in helping me with creating a life path to moving forward with clarity. “ ~C.

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