author, practitioner, teacher, trainer

My varied life experiences, both personal and professional, shape the work I do with clients and the manner in which we do that work together. As an educator, I bring two decades spent in the educational realm to the teaching I provide through my publications as well as my services and sessions. Rather than asking individuals to fit into a one-size-fits-all mold, my programs have been built upon a firm foundation of tried and true practices which authentically allows for flexibility in employing strategies that fit individuals and their unique needs. Our work together on any challenge begins with your strengths and the value that innately is a part of what makes you unique.This is truly the foundation for helping professionals build revenue, transform lives, and advance in their careers.


my life was going well until it wasn’t…

My perception of what my life had been was that of any normal upbringing…until that perception was shattered. In 2001, I was left to pick up the pieces and literally fight for my life yet again, convincing myself more than once that my life had meaning and was worth fighting for. It was a very different message than I’d received from the perpetrator whose atrocious behaviors and words I’d repressed from early childhood until well into my adult years. I was now a mother, a wife, and a professional. I had learned how to survive my childhood but as an adult, I had to learn how to survive with the reality of my shattered truth…and I did…

However, the time came to move beyond surviving and into a life of thriving. Often, when I didn’t feel strong enough to do so for myself, I found the strength to do it for the biggest gift I’ve ever received, my son. With him as “my reason”, I began to hold myself and my wellbeing as a priority and I relied heavily on shifting my attitude and perspective to one of gratitude and acceptance, a gift of wisdom given to me by my role model I called ”Dad”.

In time and with more healing, I shifted my perspective to one of “paying it forward”. I used all I’d experienced and the things I’d learned on my own healing journey to help others in any ways that I felt capable. I opened Peace of Mind Alternative Therapies and offered to clients some of the same avenues of healing that brought healing to me. I wrote and published my personal memoir, You’re Only As Sick As Your Secrets: Sexual Abuse Awareness, Prevention, and Intervention and was amazed that my story I vowed I’d never tell even to my own family now was in the

hands of anyone interested in reading it. It was available to both a national and international audience. Even more surprising was the influx of personal stories readers shared with me and their extreme gratitude for how my courage to tell my own story inspired them to take steps toward their own healing. I began speaking and offering classes on wellbeing at the urging of my clients and readers. Soon, my own healing and efforts to help others began to take on a life of its own. Continued adverse experiences often threatened my ability to thrive. I came to call these “life’s opportunities for learning lessons or creating lesions” and consciously chose to learn the lessons. In doing so, I became aware of a pattern I’d repeated to work my way back from surviving to thriving once again. These trials brough forth a more logical approach for moving beyond obstacles and the Fundamental Mastery process was founded and offered as an option to others in their own quests for thriving.

As my personal healing continues to evolve, so does my professional life because they are so interconnected. It is my heartfelt intention to be a source of hope for others as I pay forward that which was given to me when I needed it most. My work is not done so please stay tuned…

In the meantime, my wish for you is health, happiness, fulfillment, and wellbeing.
